Aerial Workout

Aerial Workout (90 min)

Aerial Workout vadba je sestavljena iz:

  • temeljitega ogrevanja z uporabo zračnih tkanin in vrvi,
  • vaj za razvoj moči, ki se izvajajo z uporabo tkanin in vrvi in zajemajo različne položaje telesa (od stoječega do inverznega),
  • spoznavanja osnov zračnih tehnik, kjer se bomo na vsaki uri posvetili eni osnovni tehniki in jo bomo temeljito raziskali (npr. tehnike plezanja, osnovni ključi, obrati) in
  • aerial stretching, kjer bomo aktivirane dele telesa sistematično raztegnili (velikokrat tudi z pomočjo zračnih pripomočkov).

Dvajset let prakse v zračnih disciplinah (na zračnih tkaninah, zračnih zankah, vrvi) daje neskončen spekter gibalnih možnosti, ki jih ponuja tovrstno gibanje. Temelj programa je možnost obračanja v vse smeri, aktivacija in raztegi določenih delov telesa, ki jih drugače težko aktiviramo. Program je namenjen popolnim začetnikom kot tudi že izkušenim gibalcem na zračnih tkaninah in vrvi. Skozi leta prakse vedno bolj ugotavljam, kako pomembno je graditi dobre temelje oziroma osnove tehnik, ki nam bodo omogočile varen in predvsem zdrav gibalni ravoj. Zaradi tega bomo v tem programu posvetili pozornost širokem spektru vaj, ki vas bodo najprej dobro ogrele in fizično pripravile za obvladanje različnih tehnik plezanja,  osnovnih ključev ter ovijanja in bodo predstopnja bolj zahtevnih likov in padcev. Raziskovali bomo variacije teh osnovnih tehnik za aktivacijo mišice celotnega telesa. Tovrstni pristop vas bo pripravil na bolj zahtevne položaje in padce, ki jih lahko spoznate v Aerial Silks programu (namenjenemu že izkušenim gibalcem na tkaninah in vrvi). Zadnji del treninga bo posvečen raztegovanju aktiviranih mišičnih skupin.


Aerial Workout (90 min)

Aerial Workout program is composed of:

  • Thorough warm up by using aerial silks and ropes
  • Exercises for developing strength, executed in different body positions (from standing to inversions) using aerial silks and ropes
  • Learning the basic techniques, which we will explore in great detail in each session (ex. The techniques of climbing, basic keys, rolls)
  • Aerial stretching where we will work on the flexibility of activated areas

Twenty years of practice in aerial disciplines (aerial silks, aerial hammocks, rope) revealed to me an endless range of movements that can be achieved by using silks, rope and hammocks. The biggest benefit is the possibility of moving and turning in all directions and activating and stretching body parts that we usually do not activate in normal daily life.

The program is suitable for complete beginners as well as intermediate and advanced students. Through the years of practice and pedagogical work I see the necessity of the good technique and solid basics that enable us to have a safe progress with less chance of injuries. Therefore, the program is composed of a wide range of exercises that provides thorough warm up and development of strength necessary for execution of various climbing techniques, keys and rolls that precede more complex figures and drops. We will explore each technique in detail, looking at different variations activating that way the whole body. That approach provides a solid basis for more complex postures and drops that you can learn in the Aerial Silks program (designed for intermediate and advanced students). The last part of the workout is dedicated to stretching.